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 Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world

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Gender : Male Virgo Posts : 3991
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Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Empty
PostSubject: Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world EmptySat Nov 02, 2013 1:24 pm

There Will Be Blood wrote:
All true. It's the most equal and feminized country in the world. Does anything come even close? Additionally it's the most totalitarian kind of liberalism around. A kind of political correctness dictatorship, and this is not a joke. Finland is a lot more nationalistic. Norway has recently ramped down on immigration, seeing an obvious ideological conflict brewing. Denmark ramped down a long time ago, they are considerably more tolerant and Laissez-faire. Sweden refuses to ramp down on immigration. If one even makes allusions to benefits of only cutting, it gets remarked as racism/nazism. The only anti immigration party in parlament gets shunned by both the left and right blocks, and they themselves are uber-liberal. All this does not even come close to crazy in comparison to the feminism. It is not equality of gender opportunity. It is state enforced gender quotas. For instance in order to fully benefit from maternity leave, I believe the state enforces something like an additional six months if the mom works and the dad stays at home. Yet the most sick of all child education camps which are mandatory. Recently a woman tried to escape with her child in order to home school, but the state illegally barged into the plane, and kidnapped the child. Within kindergartens the notion of sexes does not exist, it is a thought crime. They invented the neutral word of Hen, which is a mix of He : Han and She : Henne. This might all seems exaggerated, but do your own research, and I think that you will come to similar conclusions. It might seem kind of depressing in some sense. There's a lot of inner rage wanting to release here. I look at the funny side of it all. Everything is over the top, its like watching a parody, I liken it to the moive Brazil. I would if like'd to see how the Brave New World would of actually looked like. Unfortunately I do not think this current predicament is sustainable. Anyways this was a kind of rant on the whole ordeal. Hope it gave some insight. Feel free to ask more specific questions.

I do not know if there are many red pill takers here. Mostly just what I would call escapism. Personally I've lived in mostly third world countries for half of my life. Not living in the matrix, it becomes much easier seeing through it. For instance if you're not a white racist in South Africa, then you're by default dead, there's no ifs and buts. East European people are fucking awesome, a kind of honesty, yet intelligence. Communism was an antidote to liberalism, at least so far, it's what people must of been like 50-100 years ago I imagine.
So what's your estimation on the sustainabilitiy. How's the economy of sweden doing? What are the most dominant sectors and how are things 'progressing'?
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Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world EmptySat Nov 02, 2013 2:44 pm

Economy is terrible, twenty years ago the main Japanese and the Nordic banks all went bankrupt. Japan went the way of America, and fed the zombie banks, destroyed the currency. Which was a shame since they had the highest saving rate and actual capital in the entire world. Now one of the lowest, absolutely destroyed by bad policies and currency traders. Sweden let the banks fail and restructured all the debt; the main reason its not Greece right now. The memetic disease that is causing every economic crisis still persists, a addiction to any sort short-term gain. Like China it has a extremely export dependent economy , any global shake up will most likely crash it. Extremely hard to tell what will happen socially, given any kind of event.

This is an accurate depiction. It's like the opposite of America. They have clear demographics, motives, ideologies, etc. I really can't tell what people are thinking due to their anxiety of social disapproval and so on. Just have a gut feeling, there's to much passivity, something is bound to explode.
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Gender : Male Virgo Posts : 3991
Join date : 2013-01-23
Age : 40
Location : Castra Alpine Grug

Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world EmptySat Nov 02, 2013 3:32 pm

When they showed the scene with the prime minister I was expecting him to get up and slap that bitching guy in the face.

Sweden has at least still their manufacturing and industrial basis. But the generation which is getting 'educated' at the moment will eventually inherit that country and then there'll be a decline. If bitching and being pc trumps being good at the job then people will focus on that.

Yes, the savings of the average folks are getting slowly wiped out, pretty much everywhere in the west. The modern way of taking care of one's future and retirement is to trust the government. The system is now arranged that way - an individual is pressured into being more and more dependent on society. Not that it is a safe bet anyway.

This happens on an economical level and also on a social engineering, having to share the same lifestyle and opinions of the approved norm.
Bitchification of people.

It would also be interesting to know the amount of psycho-pharmacas prescribed. Drop out rate in the workforce and so on are an indication of how progressed the dis-ease among the people is by now.

The birth rate seems to be rather 'high' in Sweden. Why do you think that is? A lot of financial incentives from the government?
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Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world EmptySat Nov 02, 2013 4:04 pm

Yeah, it's pretty much the equivalence of a free vacation. To what extent is it ethnic Swedes? In the rural, the norm would be 2-3. Most people I know are single kids. Making any sort of category on the basis of ethnicity is illegal. I would say current total immigrant population counting their children and grand children, is about 19-23% and some projections have them at a majority in less than 20 years. Entirely certain immigrant birth rate is considerably higher.
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Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world EmptySat Nov 02, 2013 4:08 pm

Fucking state run hospitals... Impossible to get good demographic predictions. In the U.S they know the exact hour there's a minority majority.
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Gender : Male Virgo Posts : 3991
Join date : 2013-01-23
Age : 40
Location : Castra Alpine Grug

Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world EmptyThu Nov 07, 2013 4:17 am

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Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world EmptyThu Nov 07, 2013 11:53 am

Why do you think this is? Did all of the Vikings just leave? Is this what happens when the whole world is your frontier, and your home is just a repository for men who weren't masculine enough to claim it?
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Gender : Male Virgo Posts : 3991
Join date : 2013-01-23
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Location : Castra Alpine Grug

Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world EmptyMon Nov 11, 2013 5:01 pm

I'd say they are that liberal because they can/could afford it. Not only in a materialistic sense though.
In other places societies buckled already under the weight of retarded people taking over that the situation is now sort of post-liberal-limbo dwelling. There they have already other pressures besides thinking about movie feminist ratings.
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Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world EmptyMon Nov 11, 2013 5:18 pm

Good point. I've often conceived of liberalism simply as excess too.

It's certainly impossible without excess wealth/comfort/feminine care. The excess feminine care is a biggie, if they're not caring about their 6 kids and their family's elderly (as nature intended), where's all that extra care gonna go? Liberalism.
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Har Har Harr

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Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world EmptyFri Aug 07, 2015 8:39 pm

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"ἐδιζησάμην ἐμεωυτόν." [Heraclitus]

"All that exists is just and unjust and equally justified in both." [Aeschylus, Prometheus]

"The history of everyday is constituted by our habits. ... How have you lived today?" [N.]

*Become clean, my friends.*
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Har Har Harr

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Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world EmptyFri Oct 16, 2015 7:41 am

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"ἐδιζησάμην ἐμεωυτόν." [Heraclitus]

"All that exists is just and unjust and equally justified in both." [Aeschylus, Prometheus]

"The history of everyday is constituted by our habits. ... How have you lived today?" [N.]

*Become clean, my friends.*
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Har Har Harr

Gender : Female Posts : 8965
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Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world EmptyFri Jan 15, 2016 4:20 pm


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"ἐδιζησάμην ἐμεωυτόν." [Heraclitus]

"All that exists is just and unjust and equally justified in both." [Aeschylus, Prometheus]

"The history of everyday is constituted by our habits. ... How have you lived today?" [N.]

*Become clean, my friends.*
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PostSubject: Re: Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Sweden - one of the most liberal coutries in the world Empty

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